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Corporate Sponsorships

It is extremely important in today’s market to encourage diversity and advancement in the construction industry, including gender diversity, particularly as our industry faces labor shortages and technological advances. At the national and local level, NAWIC strives to create training, development, advancement opportunities, and support for women in this industry, including attracting new women to our field.


Recent trends in business, industry, finance, and society have made it imperative that we act now to engage and retain women in various positions and levels in the construction industry, to avert workforce crises and create more diverse, smarter, more efficient project teams.   One of NAWIC’s core goals and strategies is to give young women an early view into the world of construction, and to support those already in the field with additional training and development opportunities, that will help leverage the talent needed to meet the workforce demands of the industry over the next several years and decades.


Our NAWIC membership has receded over the past several years.  This year, the goal of Chapter #156 is to engage, re-engage, and reach women in all positions, levels, careers, and areas of the construction industry, and bring them together for training, business development, professional development, service, and support to help them perform in their current positions and realize their career goals.  In light of this goal, we have created new Corporate Sponsorship Levels to support women in their professional growth, as well as to encourage them to mentor and engage the next generation of the workforce.  NAWIC Chapter #156 plans several project site tours; software and technology demonstrations; legal, OSHA, and human resources trainings; professional and business development speakers and activities, and many other events for the each year.


We hope you will consider sponsoring NAWIC Chapter #156 through Corporate Sponsorships or sponsoring individual memberships for your employees.  Thank you in advance for your support of NAWIC within your own organization and others in others in our local construction industry. 



Billiejo LeSage & Nissa Beasley,

Membership Chairs

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Ready to be a sponsor? Need more info?

Please contact our Membership Co-Chairs.

Chapter Sponsorship Levels

Platinum Sponsor


Sponsor of WIC Week, special recognition at all WIC Week Events, special recognition/company logo on website, 2 complimentary member registration fees (National + Local Chapter 156 Membership), admission and fees for all Membership Meetings for 2 members, 4 tickets to Holiday Social, 1 foursome to Annual Golf Outing, Company Presentation during WIC Week, Cart Sponsor for Golf Outing.


$625 for each additional member (including registration, admission and fees for all Membership Meetings, and ticket to Holiday Social) added to this level.

Gold Sponsor


Recognition/company logo on website, 2 complimentary member registration fees (National + Local Chapter 156 Membership), admission and fees for all Membership Meetings for 2 members, 2 tickets to Holiday Social, 1 foursome to Annual Golf Outing, Company Profile in NAWIC HardHat, Cart Sponsor for Golf Outing.


$625 for each additional member (including registration, admission and fees for all Membership Meetings, and ticket to Holiday Social) added to this level

Silver Sponsor


Recognition/company logo on website, 1 complimentary member registration fee (National + Local Chapter 156 Membership), admission and fees for all Membership Meetings for 1 member, 1 ticket to Holiday Social, 1 foursome to Annual Golf Outing.

$625 for each additional member (including registration, admission and fees for all Membership Meetings, and ticket to Holiday Social) added to this level.

Bronze Sponsor


Recognition/company logo on site, 1 complimentary member registration fee, admission and fees for all Membership Meetings for 1 member, 1 ticket to Holiday Social.


$625 for each additional member (including registration, admission and fees for all Membership Meetings, and ticket to Holiday Social) added to this level.

Individual Membership & Meeting Pass


Full National and Chapter 156 Membership, admission and meals at all regular meetings, Officer Installation, the Holiday Social, and the Summer Picnic.

Individual Membership


Full National and Chapter 156 Membership.



Please contact Membership Chairs Billiejo LeSage ( or Nissa Beasley ( if you have any questions or are interested in becoming a corporate sponsor.

Please note, no refunds will be given if a company chooses not to participate in/attend a particular event.

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